To perform optimally, muscles need energy. The body provides the energy needed in situations requiring immediate, high-intensity actions, as in exercise, in the form of ATP or adenosine triphosphate. Since the body has only a limited supply of ATP, usually lasting only a few seconds of intense exercise, ATP is continuously produced to supply energy in order for the muscles to function. The burst of energy is produced by the breakdown of ATP when one phosphate group is released and packs considerable metabolic energy. The body uses creatine phosphate to quickly replenish ATP.
The more energy the muscles store, the better they can perform in events, which require intense, immediate energy, such as weightlifting, sprinting, jumping, football, hockey and soccer. Since creatine is stored in the muscle as creatine phosphate, intake of supplemental creatine can increase the production of energy that enables muscles to perform at higher intensity. While the body produces its own supply of creatine, it is not sufficient to supply the muscle with the added energy necessary for intense performance.
The benefits of creatine supplementation for endurance athletes have been actively researched. This research has established that creatine can, in fact, extend endurance at a relatively high dose of 20 grams per day. Creatine increases the muscle mass and muscle girth if taken along with a sustained exercise regimen. Initially it may also increase weight due to gain in the muscle mass. This increase may slow down some people, especially swimmers. The "slowing down" may be due to the highly aerobic nature of this exercise and should be reversible after sustained exercise.
The more energy the muscles store, the better they can perform in events, which require intense, immediate energy, such as weightlifting, sprinting, jumping, football, hockey and soccer. Since creatine is stored in the muscle as creatine phosphate, intake of supplemental creatine can increase the production of energy that enables muscles to perform at higher intensity. While the body produces its own supply of creatine, it is not sufficient to supply the muscle with the added energy necessary for intense performance.
The benefits of creatine supplementation for endurance athletes have been actively researched. This research has established that creatine can, in fact, extend endurance at a relatively high dose of 20 grams per day. Creatine increases the muscle mass and muscle girth if taken along with a sustained exercise regimen. Initially it may also increase weight due to gain in the muscle mass. This increase may slow down some people, especially swimmers. The "slowing down" may be due to the highly aerobic nature of this exercise and should be reversible after sustained exercise.
No longer is it necessary to buy all your supplements separately. Ultimate Nutrition is pleased to introduce to “hard gainers” everywhere our IsoMass Xtreme Gainer. With a carbohydrate to protein ratio of 16:13, IsoMass Xtreme Gainer is designed to help you gain serious muscle mass without the added fat deposits. IsoMass Xtreme Gainer is the future of weight gainers.
A protein blend consisting of multiple sources of protein is superior to any single-protein source, including whey, for sustained time release nutritional support. With a more complete source of protein, you’ll enjoy faster lean muscle gains and quicker recovery after workouts. Time release means continuous protein nourishment for your muscles throughout the day and also before bedtime when your body works its hardest to recover.
IsoMass Xtreme Gainer®, in addition to other nutritious meals and weight training, provides the body with all the protein and calories needed for optimal muscle growth. These delicious shakes have more than just amino acids. Carbohydrates provide the body with the much needed material to restore muscle glycogen that has been used up during exercise. They also promote recovery and growth to aid in gaining muscle mass. Fiber delays the digestion of carbohydrates and helps prevent dreaded insulin spikes.
Creatine, when taken before and after a workout, helps transport water, carbohydrates and amino acids into muscles to increase energy, aid in recovery and increase muscle growth. One of the most notable of those amino acids is glutamine. Glutamine is highly in demand throughout the body because of its various benefits. It plays a very important role in protein metabolism and enhances recovery and growth. When supplemented, it may help bodybuilders reduce the muscle deterioration that occurs from glutamine depletion in muscle cells.
This formula also has EFA's that help to preserve muscle mass and immune function during intense training and encourage the body to use stored fats as energy. Medium chain triglycerides offer a great energy source for use as fuel by the body.
For the human body to perform at its maximum potential, it must be fed a vast and complex array of vital nutrients. IsoMass Xtreme Gainer includes a full spectrum of vitamins that provide the essentials to promote good health. This formulation has antioxidants (vitamins C and E), a number of vitamins, and minerals, which are required for optimal body function. It also provides enhanced support for the immune system and cardiovascular system.
IsoMass Xtreme Gainer is formulated with a precise blend of time release proteins, complex carbohydrates, 7 types of creatine for muscle growth, 4 types of glutamine for muscle recovery, a complete vitamin premix for added mind/body functions, a blend of 6 essential fatty acids to promote mind and body, a blend of 4 nitric oxide precursors to enhance vasodilation, a creatine precursor complex to increase the body’s natural production of creatine, and an enzyme complex to increase absorption. All of these can be found in any of our gourmet flavors.
A protein blend consisting of multiple sources of protein is superior to any single-protein source, including whey, for sustained time release nutritional support. With a more complete source of protein, you’ll enjoy faster lean muscle gains and quicker recovery after workouts. Time release means continuous protein nourishment for your muscles throughout the day and also before bedtime when your body works its hardest to recover.
IsoMass Xtreme Gainer®, in addition to other nutritious meals and weight training, provides the body with all the protein and calories needed for optimal muscle growth. These delicious shakes have more than just amino acids. Carbohydrates provide the body with the much needed material to restore muscle glycogen that has been used up during exercise. They also promote recovery and growth to aid in gaining muscle mass. Fiber delays the digestion of carbohydrates and helps prevent dreaded insulin spikes.
Creatine, when taken before and after a workout, helps transport water, carbohydrates and amino acids into muscles to increase energy, aid in recovery and increase muscle growth. One of the most notable of those amino acids is glutamine. Glutamine is highly in demand throughout the body because of its various benefits. It plays a very important role in protein metabolism and enhances recovery and growth. When supplemented, it may help bodybuilders reduce the muscle deterioration that occurs from glutamine depletion in muscle cells.
This formula also has EFA's that help to preserve muscle mass and immune function during intense training and encourage the body to use stored fats as energy. Medium chain triglycerides offer a great energy source for use as fuel by the body.
For the human body to perform at its maximum potential, it must be fed a vast and complex array of vital nutrients. IsoMass Xtreme Gainer includes a full spectrum of vitamins that provide the essentials to promote good health. This formulation has antioxidants (vitamins C and E), a number of vitamins, and minerals, which are required for optimal body function. It also provides enhanced support for the immune system and cardiovascular system.
IsoMass Xtreme Gainer is formulated with a precise blend of time release proteins, complex carbohydrates, 7 types of creatine for muscle growth, 4 types of glutamine for muscle recovery, a complete vitamin premix for added mind/body functions, a blend of 6 essential fatty acids to promote mind and body, a blend of 4 nitric oxide precursors to enhance vasodilation, a creatine precursor complex to increase the body’s natural production of creatine, and an enzyme complex to increase absorption. All of these can be found in any of our gourmet flavors.
GROW muscle with 55 grams of Ultimate Nutrition's special protein blend (whey protein isolate, whey potein concentrate, calcium caseinate, egg white albumin). This formula provides protein to constantly feed and nourish your muscles.
GROW muscle with 162 grams of Ultimate Nutrition's premium quality carbohydrate complex to fuel your body for maximum possible growth.
GROW muscle with 17g of high performance fat containing MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides) which supports performance by increasing energy and does not get stored as fat. MCT allows for a slow and steady release of energy and will not increase serum cholesterol levels.
GROW muscle with 162 grams of Ultimate Nutrition's premium quality carbohydrate complex to fuel your body for maximum possible growth.
GROW muscle with 17g of high performance fat containing MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides) which supports performance by increasing energy and does not get stored as fat. MCT allows for a slow and steady release of energy and will not increase serum cholesterol levels.
Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice Revolution 2600 is the ULTIMATE weight gainer on the market. It features 56 grams of protein in the exclusive Octo-PRO™ Protein blend that combines 8 key proteins. It contains 170 grams of time release carbohydrates to aid in carbohydrate digestion time to minimize bloating. In addition to the precursors to glutamine present in this protein, each serving of 1000 mg of glutamine includes the breakthrough L-alanyl-L-glutamine. This powerful dipeptide may protect against muscle degradation and provide fuel for exercise to help you go the distance. Take 2 servings a day as directed with milk and you will receive 2600 more calories and 148 more grams of protein to help you exceed your weight gaining goals.
A protein blend consisting of multiple sources of protein is superior to any single-protein source for sustained time release nutritional support. Whey proteins such as hydrolysate isolate and concentrate give your body a surge of amino acids immediately after you consume them. These proteins are great for lean muscle growth. This is when the mid-release proteins take over. Egg protein is considered the perfect source of protein because it is complete in essential amino acids, branch chain amino acids, and glutamic acid. It is completely and easily absorbed by the body. Proteins, such as micellar casein, calcium caseinate, and milk protein concentrate take much longer to digest. They are considered to be the extended release proteins which give the body more time to fully digest and absorb their nutrients.
This new formula also offers an exciting new addition to the carbohydrate world: Karbo-lyn®. This product was invented for the sole purpose of carbohydrate loading. It was designed for elite athletes looking for a fast, easy, and high performance way to load the muscle with accessible muscle glycogen. This high- tech carbohydrate passes through the stomach very quickly; 80% faster than dextrose or sugar. It acts like a pump, pulling water and nutrients along with it.
A protein blend consisting of multiple sources of protein is superior to any single-protein source for sustained time release nutritional support. Whey proteins such as hydrolysate isolate and concentrate give your body a surge of amino acids immediately after you consume them. These proteins are great for lean muscle growth. This is when the mid-release proteins take over. Egg protein is considered the perfect source of protein because it is complete in essential amino acids, branch chain amino acids, and glutamic acid. It is completely and easily absorbed by the body. Proteins, such as micellar casein, calcium caseinate, and milk protein concentrate take much longer to digest. They are considered to be the extended release proteins which give the body more time to fully digest and absorb their nutrients.
This new formula also offers an exciting new addition to the carbohydrate world: Karbo-lyn®. This product was invented for the sole purpose of carbohydrate loading. It was designed for elite athletes looking for a fast, easy, and high performance way to load the muscle with accessible muscle glycogen. This high- tech carbohydrate passes through the stomach very quickly; 80% faster than dextrose or sugar. It acts like a pump, pulling water and nutrients along with it.
Tired of swallowing big pills and lots of them? Then Xtreme Amino is the product for you. Ultimate Nutrition's Xtreme Amino contains only naturally occurring amino acids from 100% whey protein. Ultimate Nutrition's Xtreme Amino has all the whey protein fractions such as beta lactoglobulin, alpha lactalbumin, glycomacropeptide, immunoglobulins, proteose peptones, serum albumin, lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase. Ultimate Nutrition's Xtreme Amino is isolated by a complex low temperature processing system that utilizes a proprietary micro- and ultrafiltration process for the highest quality premium isolated whey protein available.