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To increase sports performance, athletes must enhance their “bounce-back” ability. For years, elite athletic trainers have preached the value of the rapid deployment of specific substrates post-workout to reduce recovery time. Recent research reveals a meticulous combination of ingredients taken immediately after intense activity can actually increase the ability to gain muscle and lose fat . To provide the proper substrates in the most efficient manner, the Research & Development Team at Nutrabolics has designed Anabolic Window, which rapidly floods the bloodstream to take full advantage of heightened nutrient sensitivity post-workout. The result: muscle proteins are repaired; energy stores are reloaded at an accelerated rate; and the body comes back swifter and stronger from physical activity to go beyond perceived boundaries

FIGHTERS FOOD 2.38lbs (RM170)
 Relentless nutritional assault

The toughest athletes on the planet know that it’s what you do on a daily basis that will determine your level of success. Guys like these demand the most from their training, their conditioning, and especially their nutrition. What we feed our bodies everyday is what separates the contenders from the pretenders, the champs from the chumps, the best from the rest. Accept no compromises! FIGHTER’S FOOD is the most advanced meal augmentation product ever conceived. It’s not a meal replacement – it’s the supercharged super food of the future!

 Peak Glutamine Saturation Matrix

In the sports supplements market, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts are a tainted group of consumers. The industry rarely introduces new products that can produce dramatic and feel-able effects from the very first dose, such as energy or fat-burning products that contain stimulants. These products drive our expectations beyond normal boundaries and often skew our ability to give many valuable supplements a fair shot. Fortunately, science and experienced athletes have a way of creating certain “superstars” supplements, by endorsing the values from which everyone can benefit. One such supplement is Glutamine, which, for several years, has enjoyed its status as a must-have for anyone pursuing a better physique. Working with elite athletes, Nutrabolics’ researchers realized the bodybuilding value of Glutamine and set out to create a product that could deliver peak glutamine saturation in target tissues without rival. This goal was realized with the development of Glutabolic – a result-based product that incorporates the latest science has to offer to obtain the maximum effects of glutamine supplementation.

HEMORUSH 2.2lbs (RM160)
HemoRush  Strategy: The Best Defense is a Good Offense

Weightlifting is war! If you want to win, you must attack the weights with furious intensity. Success in the weightroom is determined long before you crank out your first set. Research shows that when the nervous and muscular systems are primed before your workout with key performance-stimulating nutrients, size and strength gains occur much faster.

The lesson here is simple. Spike blood volume with key ergogenic ingredients to be at your mental and physical best before the workout starts. Don’t wait until half way through to start feeling good. You should be busting at the seams to hit new personal bests. Each time… every time!

HemoRush Tactics: Patented Formula Spikes Force Production and Energy Metabolism

The rapid accumulation of neural, metabolic, and muscular fatigue is clinically documented to reduce peak power output, rate of force development, and absolute strength. Each of these qualities play a critical role in the rate at which we are able to achieve greater size, strength, and performance. HemoRush™ attacks muscle performance on three fronts; energy metabolism, blood volume, and neurotransmission. The result is a heightened ability to lift, grow, and recover.

The HemoRush Pre-Workout Power Matrix is specially designed to create a synergistic effect between all ingredients. The result is an uncompromising formula that does what no other product on the market can do:

Increase plasma nitric oxide for extreme skin-bursting pumps
Boost energy
Enhance mental clarity and focus
Delay the onset of muscular fatigue
Improve strength output via neuromuscular activation
Promote better body composition and fat burning 

HEMOTEST TACTICS: Designed to naturally increase testosterone levels to dramatically build muscle mass and strength; supports workout intensity; and enhances your sex drive.

Testosterone is the most critical hormone in the equation for muscle development and your sex drive. High testosterone levels are the biochemical key to significant and rapid lean muscle development. But your body's normal levels may not be adequate enough to help you achieve those goals of massive biceps, iron man legs, and shredded abs. And worse, as you age, natural testosterone production gradually declines. The obvious solution then is to supplement your system with a dietary supplement that will boost your natural levels of testosterone in the body. However, for many years this solution was not so obvious and many athletes and competitive bodybuilders struggled to achieve this naturally. Aside from the well-known legal issues, synthetic steroids actually can over all inhibit your body's natural testosterone production. Which is the last thing that you want! When synthetic testosterone enters your bloodstream, your body's receptors weaken, and your system responds by decreasing natural testosterone production. The ideal alternative would be to stimulate your body's own natural production, and eliminate the side effects associated with synthetic alternatives. Hence, HemoTest was developed by the Nutrabolics knowledgeable scientist to solve this problem of declining and insufficient levels of testosterone. HemoTest is a revolutionary natural formula that is designed to boosts your levels of testosterone by forcing your body to use its own active testosterone. It is time that you experience a supplement that truly does what it claims to do; increase testosterone levels and achieve unprecedented muscle gains

HEMOTROPIN STRATEGY: Bioactive Multi-Pathway Growth Hormone Releasing Formula

The recent publicity surrounding the use of pharmaceutical growth hormone (GH) has caused quite a stir. For elite athletes who’ve known about the profound performance and anti-aging benefits of GH this media coverage is not surprising. That’s because for year’s sports scientists have reported profound positive changes in lean mass, reduction in bodyfat plus joint healing and recovery in subjects that use pharmaceutical GH. Unfortunately, none of the limited number of approved uses for GH are deemed appropriate for healthy athletes––making usage almost always “off label” and, in many instances, illegal. After extensive research, the Research & Development Team at Nutrabolics combined powerful GH–releasing compounds with key co-factors to create HemoTropin, which increases an athlete’s natural production of GH without the risk.

HEMOTROPIN TACTICS: Increase GH Release In a Natural & Progressive Pulse-Wave Manner

GH is a peptide hormone – a group of 191 amino acids linked in a specific sequence and released by the anterior pituitary gland in pulses. Its anabolic/anti-catabolic effects include increased protein utilization and reduced protein breakdown. GH can even promote fat loss through lipolysis (fat breakdown) and by shifting energy production toward fat utilization. A quantum leap in designer supplementation, HemoTropin takes the effects of training and nutritional programs to unforeseen heights, delivering unprecedented increases in the release of GH – naturally, and with wave-like precision.

MASS FUSION 16lbs (RM240)
For veteran bodybuilders like yourself – or for those of you who are new to the sport but are struggling to add noticeable size – there’s MASSFUSION. This scientifically formulated weight-gaining supplement will give your body the all-out calorie assault it needs to get bigger than ever before! Think bigger shoulders, a more mountainous chest, and a back and bi’s combo that will have everyone in awe. No matter what stage of the game you’re in, MASSFUSION can help you get bigger than you ever thought possible!
MASSFUSION™ Strategy: Deliver Musclebuilding Calories Without all the Fillers

Packing on extra size depends on consuming serious calories. If you want to really beef up your physique, you need to be eating around the clock! But for those of you have busy lifestyles, aren’t able to pack food with you wherever you go, or simply can’t stomach the thought of eating whole food every two hours on the hour, MASSFUSION™ is the perfect alternative. It provides you with the superior nutrition you need, when you need it, for explosive muscle growth.

That’s right, we said ‘superior.’ That’s because it’s not just the amount of calories that’s important, but the quality of them too. Imagine eating fast food 24 hours a day. Sure it might make you huge, but not in the way you want! To build lean muscle tissue, you need a combination of superior protein, complex carbs, advanced creatine, and all the right fats. You also need them in a precise ratio and proven dosage. And that’s what MASSFUSION™ provides.

Back in the day, weight gainers were notorious for boosting their calorie count with a boatload of simple sugars that did nothing more than cause huge insulin spikes. These spikes just made you feel lethargic (an obvious disadvantage if your goal was to tear things up in the gym) and contributed to extra body fat storage. With MASSFUSION™, you can rest assured that the sugar content is extremely low, and no useless fillers have been added to the formula. Only ingredients that contribute to serious muscle growth have made the cut!

So what does the low sugar content of MASSFUSION mean for you? Well, now you can finally get bigger while carving those elusive abs! Before, this idea was unheard of. You either got huge OR you stayed small and shredded. Not anymore. MASSFUSION supports massive muscle growth in a way that won’t sabotage your quest for leanness

HemoDrene STRATEGY: Spare no expense in research and development.

The danger of most rapid fat loss formulas is that they overload the caffeine requirement while skimping out on many of the most important ingredients. The supplement industry is, after all, a business and there is more money to be made in cheap formulas and mass marketing than in the expensive research and development of products that work. But when Nutrabolics conceives of a new product, our researchers are instructed to spare no expense in R&D. This time round we’ve made the most complete all in one fat loss solution on the planet – HemoDrene!
HemoDreneTACTICS: 6-in-1 supplement elicits physiological adaptations in metabolism, nutrient usage, and neuromuscular performance.

HemoDrene is a revolutionary fat loss formula that contains six individual supplements in one powerful product. Each matrix in this formula can, and has, been marketed as a standalone product by many manufacturers in the industry. Fast and effective weight loss normally requires the use of a complete stack of thermogenic aids working together to create massive results. HemoDrene™ puts all the necessary fat loss products into one powerful bottle – making fat loss easier than ever before!

ISOBOLIC 5lbs (RM210)
ISOBOLIC’S STRATEGY: A Gold-Standard Protein Supplement

Serious athletes dedicated to continuous progress in size, strength and muscularity are super conscious of the quality and quantity of their daily protein intake. That’s why Nutrabolics developed the "industry standard"¬¬ for protein supplements — IsoBolic. No ordinary off-the-shelf protein product, this unique supplement incorporates the best science has to offer. Point blank, IsoBolic is a true Designer Bodybuilding Food, a must-have supplement that should be at the root of every elite competitor’s nutritional arsenal.

ISOBOLIC’S TACTICS: Maximum Amino-Acid Availability

An athlete’s body constantly fluctuates between lean-tissue accumulation (amino-acid usage for building/repair or "anabolism") and lean-tissue breakdown (amino-acid usage for energy or "catabolism")i. Balancing this persistent battle dictates body progression or stagnation. An effective protein supplement improves net nitrogen retention, promoting anabolism and decreasing catabolism . To promote a beneficial metabolic status, IsoBolic combines a "physiologically specific " array of protein components, isolated by sophisticated processing technologies, and integrates essential fatty acids, fiber and enzymes to provide a constant supply of amino acids and support a structured diet and vigorous weight-training regimen.